
CPL CONCORDIA Trials Blockchain Technology and Wireless Monitoring at Energy Management Services

As part of its energy management services, CPL CONCORDIA will begin to apply blockchain technology for the notarization of environmental comfort parameters and for the reporting of the services offered. An experiment in which the Concordia-based multi-service group involved companies such as UniquID Inc, a California-based startup that provided the ledgering service, the company eFM which contributed process support and performed the integration of its MyeFM information platform with the blockchain, and Intellienergy tech, specialized in Building Management equipment and software, which has implemented blockchain communication protocols on its Wireless monitoring system. The project aims to overcome the logic of current contracts in Facility Management and to facilitate end customers who adhere to these tools in verifying service levels.   Link from the web portal of the magazine "RCI Designing Renewables Heating Hydronic Air Conditioning", December 2020 issue: The notarization of data in wireless monitoring systems.