General Standards

The CPL Group and its business model

The consolidated financial statements include the financial statements of CPL CONCORDIA Soc.Coop. (Parent Company) and those of the subsidiaries in which the Parent Company directly or indirectly holds more than 50% of the capital; companies held at 50% or for lower percentages are considered part of the Group if there is real and de facto control over the ordinary management of them, as in the case of the company Serio Energia S.r.l. With regard to the companies X DATANET S.r.l., Pegognaga Servizi S.r.l. and Tecnoservizi S.r.l., whose shares are owned, directly or indirectly, by the Parent Company at 50%, since CPL CONCORDIA does not exercise a dominant influence, they have been considered associated companies.

Organizational structure

Over the past few years, the CPL CONCORDIA Group has undergone profound changes. The Group’s reorganization activities, together with the extraordinary equity divestment operations in execution of and in support of the Rehabilitation Agreement, signed with the banking class in spring 2017, led to a significant reduction in subsidiaries and affiliates. With the exception of Immobiliare della Concordia, all investee companies gravitate to the Cooperative’s characteristic sectors.

The structure of the Group as of December 31, 2022:

Stable locations of the organization

Stakeholders and their involvement

CPL’s stakeholders identify all the stakeholders who on the one hand influence, in different ways and degrees of intensity, the activities that the cooperative carries out, and on the other hand are influenced by them through the services and activities that CPL performs.

With reference to the characteristics of their relationship with the cooperative, CPL’s stakeholders can be divided into:


Workers, Members and Shareholders of Cooperative Participation


Are those attributable:


  • to the market environment in which the company operates: customers, suppliers, and external lenders;
  • to the cooperative system of which CPL is a member: Cooperative Movement and Enterprise System;
  • to the territorial context in which CPL carries out its activities: community and environment.

CPL CONCORDIA has developed a number of channels for engagement and dialogue with its stakeholders over the years.

In the field Organization Development and Competence (formerly the Human Resources Department) a new figure was introduced, the Talent Acquisition & Employer Branding Specialist, with the task of promoting the corporate brand among young talent, particularly in universities and upper secondary schools, through the organization of training days, career days, company visits, scholarship sponsorships, etc.
Finally, the role of Photovoltaic Sales Manager was introduced in the Sales Department, who is responsible for developing the photovoltaic business.

Online initiatives include courses aimed at aspiring members and/or special members, which involved 93 employees.

In 2022, as the restrictions brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic gradually came to an end, some of these channels returned to operating in the traditional way, with people being physically present: for example, theshareholders’ meeting on june 10, 2022 was held at the Palazzurro in San Possidonio (Mo) in front of more than 400 people, including members and guests, after 3 years of exclusively online meetings.

However, the use of web platforms, which proved decisive in the management of the pandemic, has been consolidated in the organization of other events, e.g., the informational meetings for members, which take place in a mixed mode, part in-person, part online, thus enabling those who, for logistical or other reasons are unable to attend in person, to still participate in such meetings remotely. The Sustainability Report Presentation Tour was confirmed again in 2022, targeting all employees at all locations, with 10 appointments at as many locations and the physical participation of about 500 employees.

Economic and financial data of CPL Concordia Group


Engagement channels

Topics of involvement


Info point, Meeting point, New corporate intranet development, "Smart future" video pills.

Involvement and information on Cooperative Activity

APC - cooperative participation shareholders

Assembly of APC holders

Transparency in reporting and direct involvement


GAS initiatives, Tour of locations to present the Sustainability Report

Extra-work activities, Raising awareness of sustainability issues.


Social assembly, Informative meetings, Educational meetings in cooperative and economic fields.

Cooperative activities, Achievement of goals, Budget approval, Involvement and sharing Cooperative activities and strategy, Awareness and information


Disbursements/contributions to local realities, Local presence and dialogue with individual realities, CPL RACCONTA

Dissemination of environmental and cooperative issues through the experience of the Cooperative


Social Initiatives and Workshop Organization

Dissemination of environmental and cooperative issues through the experience of the Cooperative

Public Administration

Sponsorship of conferences and cultural events

Environmental policies and energy efficiency


Sustainability Report 2022