CPL recorded net investments in the year 2022 of more than €11.8 mln. Major production investments in 2022 include.
Investments for sustainability
About 6.4 million involved energy efficiency
specifically, heat management, public lighting and cogeneration activities. On the IT side, 2.3 million was invested in Application Programs both for internal use, such as developments on GASPIPE to digitize Natural Gas sector activities, and for the market, including implementations on the Utilities Suite (mainly on MUBI, DiNETWORK, CRMutility software). Included in this figure is the investment for the acquisition of the business unit of Infosystem, a Marche-based company active in business development in the Multiutilities sector. Also in the area of Infomation Technology to report investments of 0.6 million for systems integration also in support of Information Security and Digital Transformation.
About 2.1 million euros were used for technical and information technology equipment
Approximately 2.1 million euros were used for technical and computer equipment (hardware) office machines, vehicles/vehicles, special vehicles (earthmoving) and other investments necessary for core operations. Finally, more than 0.3 mln € was spent on research, user licenses, project development, and about 0.1 mln € on investments at the Cooperative’s offices.
CPL CONCORDIA’s actions are guided by the principles of legality, transparency and fairness.
Number of participants in general training courses on 231: 122
Number of participants in specific training courses on 231: 110
Continued in 2022 training program on Regulation 231 and the related Organization, Management and Control Model adopted, which included basic training given in e-learning mode to new employees and a refresher webinar for medium-high risk figures about the safeguards aimed at preventing tax crimes and corruption offenses.
Below are details of the 231-related courses held during the year.
General 231 training
122 people involved
white-collar workers or white-collar apprentices.
General 231 training
Insight into the prevention of tax crimes (Chapter XIII MOG)
64 people involved
chosen from “high risk individuals” (so defined according to criteria shared with the SB)
General 231 training
Insight into offenses such as receiving stolen goods, money laundering, and use of money or property of illicit origin (Chapter V MOG)
46 people involved
Specific courses were also conducted for figures such as the Legal Affairs Office and Internal Audit.
Also during 2022, a project was launched to implement a new platform for reporting management, which will see the light of day in 2023. Work also continued on a complete revision of Risk Assessment 231 and the Organization, Management and Control Model, in parallel with the Project to obtain certification for “Management Systems for the Prevention of Corruption” according to UNI ISO 37001:2016.
The activities aim to continuously improve internal controls, including in light of recent organizational changes and amendments to Leg. 231/01 made by the Legislature.