Multi-Visualization of Activities
The maintainer has different ways to view the Tasks to be performed:
- calendar: for each day you can view the number of interventions;
- list: list of the day’s activities, broken down by distribution network. On each User the Tasks to be performed are displayed in chronological order, giving priority to faults, marked in red;
- google Maps: through the maps, the maintainer can quickly access the list of tasks to be performed, selecting the nearest address, reaching the destination through the Mobile Device’s navigator.
The Multi-Agenda feature allows one or more Agendas to be associated with the same user, enabling the technician to deal with both water networks and distribution networks. Through the “select Agenda” option, the Technician can easily move from one Agenda to another without disconnecting from the Application.
eRMES facilitates the work of the maintainer. In fact, using the App makes the technician’s activities faster and more automated:
- activities are managed in a “Near Real Time” context: the maintainer has the ability to view the data of the intervention assigned to him immediately;
- pre-filling of activity sheets related to field technicians;
- the App allows you to send one or more emails with the Work Report complete with Customer and Maintainer Signature;
- via the Barcorde and QRCode reader (e.g., serial numbers, part numbers, etc.) making imputation errors minimal;
- dematerialization and substitute storage of the Activity Report;
- ability to generate the Electronic Activity Report with Hash code that guarantees its content;
- the App is integrated with the Contact Center Portal and DiNETWORK;
- thanks to eRMES, the counter clerk evolves and changes his role by relieving him from Data Entry and empowering him to take on a Controller role to support planning and management of Activities.