
X DataNet wins Digital 360 Awards with on-board CDA software

The IT company of the CPL CONCORDIA Group won the final with the project to digitize the activities of the Board of Directors of Banca Popolare Etica X DataNet, software house of the CPL CONCORDIA Group, has won the 2019 final of the Digital 360 Awards. The prestigious award was obtained in the "Smart Working, Document Management and Collaboration" category for the CDA on Board project, created for Banca Popolare Etica. The project that saw the Modena-based company among the winners made it possible to digitize the activities of Banca Etica's Board of Directors with a collaborative, easy-to-use solution with all the necessary security requirements. "This award given to our investee company X DataNet consolidates CPL's general orientation aimed not only at the development of new technologies related to blockchain and Big Data but also at the use of advanced IT tools and cutting-edge digital technologies," said CPL CONCORDIA President Paolo Barbieri.   The Digital360 Awards 2019 are an initiative of the Digital360 Group to promote the culture of innovation and entrepreneurship in the digital field, generating a virtuous mechanism for sharing experiences between companies, suppliers, startups, institutions and research centers. The seven winning projects were selected from among the 29 finalists. This year the event was organized in collaboration with CIOSummIT 2019, the event promoted by the main Italian associations of CIOs, and saw the participation of over 150 CIOs from the most important Italian public and private organizations.