
CPL CONCORDIA provides €100,000 for recovery projects throughout Italy

The members and employees of the Emilian cooperative company immediately raised funds for 11 projects to support the health and social realities of the areas in which the company operates, from Milan to Bari.

In Modena, the funds will be allocated to the strengthening of the Pulmonology Department of the Mirandola Hospital for the monitoring of hospitalized patients

€100,000 for 11 social and health projects from Milan to Naples, from Padua to Bari, from Concordia to Rome. This is the result of the initiative promoted by CPL CONCORDIA among employees to help the territories in Phase 2 of the Covid-19 pandemic. The company has also decided to contribute to the collection, supplementing the total amount donated by employees with its own already defined contribution.

"We can only get out of this epochal emergency by helping each other, as people and as an Italian system made up of health facilities, businesses and social realities," he explained the President of CPL CONCORDIA, Paolo Barbieri. "For this reason, in addition to the hotel lent to the Modena Local Health Authority and other solidarity actions carried out during the emergency period, CPL and its workers have decided to continue the immediate support to the territories in the post-Covid emergency recovery with an internal fundraiser".

To the 1500 employees of CPL's Italian offices, in fact, the Proposal to contribute with individual donations - deducted from payroll or converted leave – intended for individual projects closest to the territory to which they belong, coordinated at local level by those responsible in close contact with local authorities, to give concrete answers to the needs of the health and social fabric.

The recipients of CPL contributions range from the Intensive Care Units of Hospitals for the purchase of technological equipment and protective equipment for health workers, to the realities engaged in supporting the disabled and families in economic crisis.

Specifically, in the Modena area, the funds raised will go to in favor of a project to strengthen the Pneumology of the Santa Maria Bianca Hospital in Mirandola for the monitoring of hospitalized patients, with a view to improving care both in the face of a possible return of the Covid emergency, and for the management of all other respiratory diseases, for the benefit of the citizens of the Mirandola district.

"In this situation, which has never been experienced before at a national and global level, no one can think of saving themselves, neither as an individual nor as a company," concluded President Barbieri. "We feel a strong duty to confirm, in the wake of CPL's history, our attention to the territory with the implementation of targeted and concrete proposals to face the challenging future that awaits us".