April 23, 1899. Look at the Story.
In the Contact section you can find all the references of CPL CONCORDIA offices and branches.
To learn about CPL CONCORDIA’s economic and financial data, see the Financial Statement Data section.
Find out all the details about employees and what it means to work for CPL CONCORDIA by checking out the Work with Us page.
Email PEC c plconcordiasoccoop@pec.cpl.it
Find out how your personal information is processed by visiting the section on Disclosures.
In the Work with Us section you can browse current searches and submit your application.
Visit the Downloads section of the catalogs of products and services offered by CPL CONCORDIA.
See the section on CPL CONCORDIA’s Board of Directors and find out who the members are.
CPL stands for Cooperative Labor Production. Discover the reality of CPL CONCORDIA by visiting the About Us section.