
Two thousand new trees in Rome thanks to CPL CONCORDIA

Rome, 5 May 2021 –. The project carried out between March and April in Municipality VIII of Rome, which led to the planting of 2,000 young trees, thanks to the support of the CPL CONCORDIA multiservice energy cooperative as part of the "Earth Care - our Present for Future" program that the company created in 2020, was inaugurated today. The urban forestation intervention is part of Mosaico Verde, the national campaign conceived and promoted by AzzeroCO2 and Legambiente with the aim of redeveloping the Italian territory and protecting existing forests.

The event was attended by Amedeo Ciaccheri, President of the Municipality of Rome VIII, Michele Centorrino, Councillor for the Environment of the Municipality of Rome VIII, Paolo Barbieri, President of CPL CONCORDIA, and Sandro Scollato, CEO of AzzeroCO2.

The project specifically involved 4 areas within Municipality VIII of Roma Capitale located between the Tintoretto Park, the Don Picchi Solidarity Park, in Via Cristoforo Colombo, the Skate park area in San Paolo and the green area in Via Laurentina.

The areas are characterized by being located in a highly urbanized context and subject to a high level of pollution. The trees were then planted in order to create real "anti-smog groves" with the aim of mitigating the negative effects of polluting emissions and heat islands, giving, at the same time, a positive contribution to usable urban greenery.

"We are facing the challenge of cities, in the awareness that the ecological transition includes our individual lifestyles and the strategic, structural choices to reverse the course. It can be done by investing today in what will become the city of tomorrow. In Municipality VIII, thanks to the availability of AzzeroCO 2 and the support of CPL CONCORDIA, 2000 new trees have been planted that will contribute to the absorption, during their lifetime, of tons of CO2" said Amedeo Ciaccheri, President of the Municipality of Rome VIII. "Another important piece is added to the green new deal of the Municipality of Rome VIII, launched in June 2018, recovering other precious abandoned areas and returning them to citizens for the future. A commitment maintained to improve territorial green areas" said Michele Centorrino, Councillor for the Environment of the Municipality of Rome VIII.

To ensure the biodiversity of the project and its rapid rooting, several native species have been used, consistent with the climatic conditions of the area, including the holm oak, the field maple, the manna ash, the hackberry, the lesser elm and the downy oak.

CPL CONCORDIA's support in planting these 2000 trees is part of the broader project "Earth Care - our Present for Future" created to pursue a dual objective: its commitment to the present for a better future, a gift for everyone's future.

"The Cooperative's commitment represents a great opportunity to contribute to the protection of environmental values and provides for the planting of 6,000 trees over the next three years, in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda," underlined the President of CPL CONCORDIA Paolo Barbieri.

"Thanks to the collaboration with AzzeroCO2, with the Earth Care project, the company's goal is to develop different wooded areas that can contribute to the mitigation of the effects generated by pollution, the protection of citizens' health and the improvement of the landscape of the areas concerned. In addition, the proximity of these areas to our operational headquarters testifies to the attention and proximity to the territories in which we operate and in which our members live and work."

The Green Mosaic campaign – which includes the reforestation intervention in Municipality VIII of the Capital – was born in 2018 with the aim of facilitating the meeting between the needs of local authorities to recover green areas and the willingness of companies to invest resources in the creation or protection of permanent forests, as a measure of Corporate Social Responsibility.

"The collaboration with CPL CONCORDIA offers us the opportunity to carry out a new urban redevelopment project with the aim of increasing the well-being of the community," said Sandro Scollato, CEO of AzzeroCO2 The planting of these 2000 trees in the VIII Municipality of Rome will in fact bring benefits to the city in terms of reducing pollution and mitigating heat islands, while at the same time allowing its citizens a better usability of these places. A synergistic work between different realities that we hope will be an example to create further and effective sustainability paths in our urban centers."