Rome, 19 February 2021 - The Councillor for Health of the Lazio Region, Alessio D'Amato , and the Extraordinary Commissioner of the Tor Vergata Polyclinic, Tiziana Frittelli, presented the results of the Energy Requalification Plan of the Tor Vergata Polyclinic. The illustration and subsequent visit involved the completion of the PTV Energy Upgrading Plan carried out in a public-private partnership with CPL CONCORDIA and with the joint venture that includes the INTEGRA Consortium and the company Natuna – worth approximately 8.6 million Euros - which comes to an end in February, with the start of operation at full capacity of a cogenerator of electrical and thermal energy. These interventions will allow a significant reduction in energy consumption, through the renovation of the plants and the adoption of high-performance and eco-sustainable technologies, with a significant reduction in CO2 emissions by the PTV.
The objective of this intervention, carried out as part of the activities of the technological multi-service contract and supply of energy carriers announced by the central purchasing office of the Lazio Region is, in fact, a reduction of about one third in primary energy consumption (electricity and natural gas) to be achieved by mid-2021, Amply achieved in advance on the contractual timeframe.
"Technological innovation, personalization of care, environmental sustainability must govern the entire health system," commented Extraordinary Commissioner Tiziana Frittelli "Today the PTV delivers two ambitious results to the city: the complete renewal of radiotherapy and an environmental improvement that is fundamental for the ethics of the territory."
"Thanks to the redevelopment, we have achieved savings of more than 30% of the historical consumption of the Polyclinic 6 months before the contract deadline", explained Mirko Gallorini, CPL CONCORDIA Project Manager. "We invested €8.6 million, effectively doubling the value of the interventions offered in the tender phase, certain to recover the important investment in the coming years through the reduction of historical primary energy consumption , equal to about 3000 Tons of Oil Equivalent". "The setting up of the contract, which can be configured as an EPC – continued Gallorini – has allowed us to best express our know-how as an Energy Service Company, with an efficient result resulting from the proactive collaboration of public and private entities."