The company has been recognized by the SNS Foundation (National School of Services) as the best in the Large Energy and Maintenance Companies sector, also winning the absolute record among the winning companies of the sectoral awards.
On 21 September, CPL CONCORDIA's top management received the SNS 2020 Index awards in Bologna, the awards that highlight the best performing Italian Facility Management companies in 2016-2018. CPL CONCORDIA has been awarded the SNS 2020 Index award in the Large Energy and Maintenance Companies sector, and has also won the SNS 2020 Super Index award, which is awarded to the best of the winners of the sector awards of the year.
The ranking was drawn up by the Fondazione Scuola Nazionale Servizi by analysing data from La Galassia dei Servizi, the Foundation's annual research based on data from the financial statements of over 17 thousand service companies in the 9 sectors of Facility Management (Energy and Maintenance, Environmental, Collective Catering, Security, Professional Cleaning, etc.). The awards are the result of an elaboration by the SNS Foundation that highlights the qualities of companies in terms of economic-financial indicators, training and innovation.
"The awards achieved by CPL confirm the importance of a growth path achieved by our company in the last three years and the quality attributed to the company's choices to focus on design and operational excellence in supporting our customers, increasingly with a view to partnership", was the comment of the President of CPL Paolo Barbieri.