The Modena-based Multiutility Group will present at the Fiera di Roma the progress of an innovative chemical-physical upgrading system to purify biogas and concentrate methane up to 98%
CPL CONCORDIA will be present at Biogas Italy, the Fair to be held on 25 and 26 February in Rome, at the National Event Space at the Rome Life Hotel. The theme of the 2016 edition sees the world of biogas as the protagonist in the "Agricultural Revolution", capable of offering new prospects for growth and development not only in the agricultural world but on a global level in compliance with the recent COP21 directives.
The Modena-based Multiutility Group will present the progress of an innovative chemical-physical molecular upgrading system to purify biogas and concentrate methane up to 98%. It should be remembered that biomethane is the biogas produced by the anaerobic digestion of organic substances, purified of pollutants and carbon dioxide that are normally present in biogas in a percentage of about 50%.
The process studied by CPL CONCORDIA is a process of transformation of biogas into biomethane through a chemical-physical purification technology that is different from the existing ones. In the 3 steps that characterize the biogas treatment process - pre-treatment, upgrading, post-treatment - the decisive focus is on the second step. In the liquid phase upgrading process , the energy consumption in the release phase must be taken into account. The system that uses CPL allows the molecules to work in a temperature range between 20-25°C in the absorption column and 70-75°C in the release column, thanks to the particular chemical structure and the presence in solution of other components capable of affecting the stability of the absorption product, making it easier to separate the gas.
"The quality of the molecular upgrading process is the differentiating element compared to competing systems. It maximizes absorption efficiency and minimizes fluid regeneration energy," explains Federico Bissoli, Oil and Gas Technologies Export Manager at CPL CONCORDIA.
"Among the advantages obtained with our system," Bissoli continues, "are the effectiveness in absorbing CO 2, the low CO2 release temperature, the minimum environmental impact, the reduced production costs and the maximum heat recovery."
The main use of biomethane obtained from biogas in the coming years will be for both CNG and LNG transport. Due to its degree of purity, biomethane can be used - on site - as fuel for High Efficiency Cogeneration with the consequent benefits derived from energy production and the achievement of Energy Efficiency Certificates. Feeding into the grid is the third way in which it is possible to exploit biomethane: today the technology is mature and as soon as the regulatory aspects are resolved, the national system will be ready to welcome the injection of "renewable gas" into the grid.