The students of the "Primo Levi" High School visited the thermal power plant accompanied by the staff of CPL CONCORDIA, the plant's builder and manager, as part of the 2016 School-Work Alternation project
Vignola's future technicians and engineers gain experience in the field of the energy systems that heat their city. In recent days, the third classes of the "Primo Levi" Technical Institute - with the specializations in electrical automation, mechatronics and computer science - have in fact followed a technical meeting, part of the School-Work Alternation, to deepen the characteristics of the district heating plant - thermal power plant and distribution network of over 5 km - which supplies energy to the city. "For the orientation of the students to work, after an internship in various companies, we planned a visit to complex plants," explained Vice-Dean Vera Ricci and Prof. Franco Lambertini. "The Vignola plant represents an excellent 'field experience' to stimulate students' knowledge and interests."
The meeting was divided into two phases: in the first, the students, more than 80, followed the presentation of the technical-constructive characteristics of the district heating system in the Aula Magna, curated by Ing. Davide Bonfietti of CPL CONCORDIA, the cooperative group that built and manages the plant. In the second phase, the students took a guided tour of the thermal power plant located at the roundabout on the road to Sassuolo in groups of 20. It is home to 3 2000KW methane gas boilers and a 1063KW electric cogenerator that provides thermal and electrical energy. The underground pre-insulated pipes that carry hot water to supply the city's main public utilities start from the power plant: the school complexes, the Town Hall, the Library, for a total of over 15 users. "Among the different aspects that interested the students," explains Ing. Bonfietti, "the use of the CAD program for the design of the plant, the power of the cogenerator and the remote control of the plants that we carry out directly from Concordia: these are the technologies of the future and the mastery of them by the next graduates will open up wider job prospects for them".
06 May 2016