The agreement provides for internships in companies in the areas of administration and accounting, information systems, foreign offices and marketing, ensuring that students in the fourth and fifth grades of the upper classes acquire skills that can be used in the labor market
Concordia sulla Secchia, 18 November 2016 - An extensive business reality and the school have joined forces to provide orientation, training and internship opportunities to high school students: this is the core of the collaboration protocol signed by CPL CONCORDIA, a multi-utility energy group, and the "G.Luosi" Institute of Higher Education in Mirandola.
The agreement provides for work placements in the company in the areas of administration and accounting, management of computerized services, foreign offices and marketing, and involves students of the fourth and fifth classes of the Luosi Technical Institute, the Cattaneo Professional Institute and the Pico Classical and Linguistic High School.
The protocol was signed in recent days by the President of CPL CONCORDIA, Mauro Gori , and the Headmaster of the Mirandola Institute, Giorgio Siena. "The agreement starts from the legislative innovations of school-work alternation, but goes further by providing for an insertion designed for integrated training: an insertion aimed at completing the school course with a real training internship," explained Siena. "This is an advanced experience that also includes the updating of teachers in the multi-utility area. The agreement, if confirmed by a positive and effective response in reality, could become a more interesting model of alternation for our territory".
As part of the school-work alternation project, there will also be training and information meetings for teachers and students and the appointment of school and company tutors who will follow the interns' paths.
"The official collaboration with the Istituto Superiore Luosi is fully part of the corporate mission of CPL CONCORDIA which, with its activity, confirms itself as an asset for the territory," said the President of CPL CONCORDIA Mauro Gori. "The exchange between our business reality and the school aims to train young people who are better prepared to enter the world of work and therefore more sought after by companies, in the province of Modena and beyond."